Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Closing Out The Year In Flying Fashion!

I have done a little flying around home since our trip to the Exumas, but no real trips to write about.  Finally, two weeks ago a friend and I flew to New Orleans to attend the International Workboat Show.  It's the only "business trip" I normally get to do and this year I got to fly myself!  The plane ran great and you just cant beat the 3 hour nonstop flight!

Then last Friday the family and I loaded up the plane to begin our big Christmas Flying Adventure.  We took off for New Orleans to attend Abby's dance competition; same one we did a year ago.  Monday we got back in the plane and came up to Shreveport, LA to see my father-in-law and his family.  Although we bucked a 35+ knot headwind, we had a smooth, direct flight which took us right over Barksdale AFB and straight in to Shreveport Downtown (KDTN).

After the front comes through tonight and hopefully the winds subside a little by tomorrow afternoon, we will take to the skies again to spend Christmas at my Dad and Kim's house in San Antonio, TX.  It promises to be a full house and should be an awesome Christmas for everyone!
After Christmas we will head to Dallas for a few days and then on to Northwest Arkansas for New Years.  After that we will head home so we can get back to work and school.

It is nice to have us traveling in the plane again and we are so blessed to have this means of travel available to us.  I will post more about our trip when we get home, but I just wanted to write a quick little update.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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