
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Please Vote For Our Blog

We have been bogged down with the end of the school year, work, and Abby's busy dance schedule lately and to top it off the plane is now due for its Annual Inspection. Unfortunately we will be unable to make any trips soon.  Hopefully we'll be back in the air and posting about some more adventures before too long!

In the meantime, our blog has been placed on's vote list for 2011Top Travel Blogs for Families.  If you like our blog, please follow this link:  Top 25 Travel Blogs for Families and scroll down or search for our blog and vote for us!

Thanks in advance and we hope everyone’s' summer is starting off great!


  1. It works best to hit the alphabetical tab and then go down to "Family Flying" - Good Luck!

  2. I voted!

    BTW - Jekyll Island was AWESOME.

  3. Thanks Chris! Glad you had a good time. I can't wait to see your write up!

  4. Is this blog dead or alive? It has been ages since we've seen a new post with real content. Should I maintain the link in my lists or drop it? I think I've tried to ask this question before, but the question never makes the cut. What gives on your end? I sure hope that everyting is OK...

  5. C
    Thanks for your coments and concerns. The blog is very much alive, but we have been unable to make any trips for a while. The plane was down with some maintenance issues and then it was time for annual inspection. We have also had a lot of personal family things going on preventing us from leaving the area. Basically flying and traveling have not been possible for us for a few months.

    That all should change soon and hope you will keep tabs on this blog.

    All the bestt.
