
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Checking Out The Fog

It's that time of year again where we have to deal with the morning and sometimes all-day fog.  I haven't done too well with my New Year's resolution to fly more, but I finally did a little yesterday.  I had a little free time in the morning so I figured I'd go out to the plane to clean her up a bit and check on some stuff.  That thankfully turned in to a full wash down, an hour flight to dry her off real good, and some post flight detailing.

The fog had cleared at the home drome, but was still lingering in other areas making for some neat views.

I flew out to the west and then north towards Waycross just enjoying some easy cruise flight and listening to some tunes on the XM radio.  I turned toward the coast and flew out towards Kings Bay, GA before turning south for home.

The fog was still blanketing the north end of Fernadina Beach, but it was clear at home.

After I got back, I polished up the plane a little more including the spinner.  Kind of like those carnival fun house mirrors!

With everything clean, it was time to affix the 2012 Customs & Border Patrol sticker.  Ready for the Bahamas baby!  3 weeks to go!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Positive Maintenance For The Plane and Me!

I finally made my first flight of the year. After getting some great flight time in December, I was able to squeeze in a long overdue oil change. Of course this necessitated me taking a quick flight out to the beach and back to get the oil hot. This short flight also allowed me to spend some needed time in my "happy place".

The oil change went very well. No shiny stuff in the filter and almost no carbon deposits. Given the little use and extended time on the old oil, the oil color still looked pretty good. Now we'll just wait and see what Blackstone's oil analysis has to say. Anyway, the plane is now ready for the trips we have planned in the near future. I can't wait!

Looking North Towards Jacksonville Beach

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Flying To Help Others

Besides building the list of desired travel destinations, I have been wanting to get involved with some charitable organizations that will allow me to help others with our plane. One such group is Bahamas Habitat. I have had their website bookmarked for a while now. I signed up with them last year to potentially help out when Hurricane Irene barreled through the Bahamas. Unfortunately I was unable to assist then, but I will be next month!

Besides various year-round relief mission and aid flights to the Bahamas and Haiti, Bahamas Habitat organizes a Fly-In & Help Out Event twice a year. My friend Pete from work and I will fly down and participate in the upcoming event over the long Presidents Day Weekend. The Florida rallying point has yet to be determined, but we will be flying in and out of Governor's Harbor, Eleuthera (MYEM) for this event. More details will be forthcoming soon. They will have bunk rooms for the volunteers so it looks like I'm going back to camp............but this time in the Bahamas!

I am really excited about this opportunity to serve and utilize our plane to help some wonderful people. Below is a video about these events: