
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Family Flight In OUR Plane!!!

Two days after bringing N7627D home, we all piled in for our first joy ride together. It was a beautiful winter afternoon and perfect for a nice, smooth first flight. Abby excitedly helped me open the hangar and preflight the plane.

We had a smooth start and taxied out to the run-up area for Runway 23.

Cleared for take-off!!!!  Up we go!!

I want to fly!

We headed out towards Jacksonville Beach and turned north to enjoy the views.

We overflew my work, NS Mayport, where my boss was still working a ship to the pier.

Hugenot Park.  Kristi's favorite since it is the only beach in the area you can drove on to.

Abby is flying!!!  She did really well and did not want to give up the controls!

We just had to fly over our house!
Short final for Runway 23.  The hop was a success.  Where should we go now?